Lion | 20 Lines on Lion in English

Lions are known as the “king of the jungle” for a good reason. They are admired for their strength and grace and in this blog post, we will explore their world and understand why they are so special.

About Lion:

Lions are big animals with golden fur and a mane.

They are very strong and fast.

Lions live in Africa and some parts of Asia.

They eat other animals like zebras and antelopes.

A group of lions is called a pride.

The leader of a pride is called the king lion.

King lions have big manes to make them look bigger.

Lions are good hunters and hunt at night.

A female lion is called a lioness.

A baby lion is called a lion cub.

Lions can sleep a lot, up to 20 hours a day.

Lions make a loud roar that can be heard far away.

They are known as the king of the jungle.

Lions are part of the big five animals in Africa.

They are becoming endangered.

Lions live for about 10-14 years in the wild.

They can weigh as much as 550 pounds.

Lions have sharp claws and teeth to catch their prey.

They are social animals and live in prides.

Lions are symbols of power and courage and important for the ecosystem.

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